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上海外国语大学西方语系于漫教授受邀担任国际知名期刊《Journal of Spanish Language Teaching》编委
上海外国语大学西方语系 于漫 教授 国际知名期刊 编委
近日,上海外国语大学西方语系主任于漫教授受University of Oxford(牛津大学)教授Javier Muñoz-Basols之邀,担任西班牙语教学领域国际重要期刊《Journal of Spanish Language Teaching》(《西班牙语教学杂志》)编委会委员。该杂志由世界著名出版集团劳特利奇(Routledge)出版,发表全球范围内西班牙语教学领域的实证和理论文...

天津外国语大学英语学院王晓军教授受聘英国期刊《Studies in English Language Teaching》(SELT)编委(图)
天津外国语大学英语学院 王晓军 教授 英语教学 应用语言学 二语习得
近日,我院王晓军教授被英国国际期刊《Studies in English Language Teaching》(SELT) 聘为编委,同时受聘编委的还有其他31个国家和香港、台湾地区的专家学者。Studies in English Language Teaching (ISSN 2372-9740印刷/ISSN 2329-311X 在线)系国际知名学术出版商Scholink Co.,LTD出版集团...

IALC schools CES celebrates 40 years of teaching,care and excellence!!(图)
IALC schools CES 40 years teaching,care excellence
On Saturday 28th September Centre of English Studies (CES) will celebrate its 40th birthday in the magnificent dining hall of Trinity College Dublin. 150 industry guests and friends will be there to j...
赣南师范大学外国语学院应用语言学课件Lecture 13 Teaching L2 Writing。
赣南师范大学外国语学院应用语言学课件Lecture 12 Teaching Reading。
赣南师范大学外国语学院应用语言学课件lecture 11 Teaching Speaking。
赣南师范大学外国语学院应用语言学课件Lecture 10 teaching Linstening。
第11届全国英语写作教学与研究国际研讨会(The 2018 International Conference on Teaching and Researching EFL Writing)
第11届 英语 写作教学与研究 国际研讨会
第三十四届台湾英语文教学研究国际研讨会(The 34th ROC International Conference on English Teaching and learning)
第三十四届 台湾 英语文教学研究 国际研讨会
The 34th ROC International Conference on English Teaching and learning will be held on May 19-20, 2017 in National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology. The purpose of the conference ...
河南教育学院外语系普通语言学课件Chapter Eleven Linguistics and Foreign Language Teaching
河南教育学院外语系 普通语言学 课件 Chapter Eleven Linguistics and Foreign Language Teaching
河南教育学院外语系普通语言学课件Chapter Eleven Linguistics and Foreign Language Teaching.
What comes to mind?Write five words that come to mind when you see or hear “GRAMMAR TEACHING”.When you finish, compare with someone sitting next to you and explain why you wrote the words you did.
Who am I?HeShuli.I used to teach in senior high schools for 21 years.I have been a teacher trainer in Chaoyang District Beijing for more than 3 years.My major research focuses on the implementation of...
Communication-oriented language teaching:Which way ahead?
Communication-oriented language teaching
Communication-oriented language teaching:Which way ahead?
Teacher Change in the Application of Modern Education Technology in Teaching English Writing
Teacher Change Modern Education Technology English Writing
Dewey’s theory of experiential learning and principle of learning by doing (1938).Social constructivist approach to learning(William and Burden, 1997).Black and Wiliam’sconceptions of formative assess...
四川师范大学外国语学院英语教学论课件 Assessment in Language Teaching
四川师范大学外国语学院 英语教学论 课件 Assessment in Language Teaching
四川师范大学外国语学院英语教学论课件 Assessment in Language Teaching。