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中国科学院生态环境研究中心城市与区域生态国家重点实验室陈晓东研究组在跨境生物多样性保护研究方面取得重要进展。文章针对兴都库什-喜马拉雅地区跨境生物多样性保护开展研究,提出了依据物种分布地协调规划边境隔离设施、建立边境地区和平公园、开发跨境生态旅游、及实施跨境生态补偿等促进跨境生物多样性保护的具体措施。研究成果以Border conservation in Hindu Kush-Himalaya为题...
2023年2月17日,陕西师范大学地理科学与旅游学院薛东前教授、宋永永副研究员团队在Science(科学)期刊发表题为“Farming in arid areas depletes China’s water”(干旱区农业加剧中国水资源短缺)的Letter文章。师资博士后宋永永副研究员为该文第一作者和通讯作者,薛东前教授、马蓓蓓教授,中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所博士生夏四友和陕西师范大学地理科学...
近日,空间科学与物理学院2017级本科生魏恒远在空间科学研究院太阳大气物理与探测课题组团队老师的指导下,在国际知名期刊MNRAS: Letter上发表题为“How eruptions of a small filament feed materials to a nearby larger-scaled filament”的研究论文。太阳暗条(也称日珥)是太阳大气中一种最为常见的、暗的、冷的条状结...
近期,深海所李松海研究员在《Science》期刊上发表题为“Humpback dolphins at risk of extinction”的Letter文章。文章结合其研究团队的相关科研成果和认识,提出中华白海豚等驼海豚属动物正面临灭绝的风险,呼吁关注这些动物所面临的生存威胁,并提出了相关的保护建议以阻止该类珍稀动物的灭绝。 驼海豚属共分为4个物种,分别为大西洋驼海豚、印度洋驼海豚、印太驼海豚以...
我校航空航天与力学学院金亚斌研究员课题组和物理科学与工程学院李勇研究员课题组在人工结构声隐身领域取得重要进展,利用3D打印衍射栅的反常声反射特性,成功实现地毯式声隐身斗篷。相关研究成果于2019年以“Engineered diffraction gratings for acoustic cloaking”为题以Letter的形式发表在国际应用物理著名期刊Physical Review Appli...
An Imaginary Open Letter to the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy
collect data resource management
As you read this, your report to the U.S. Congress, President and populace is being finalized. The numbers and statistics, alone, are impressive: thousands of hours of testimony, hundreds of pounds of...
Clarifying Open Access:its implications for the research community (Letter)
open access Green OA Gold OA publishing models publishing reform self-archiving research funding
A critique of the CERN proposal to convert particle physics journals from the user-institution-pays subscription model to an author-institution-pays model for the sake of Open Access (OA). OA can be a...
The subword complexity of smooth words on 2-letter alphabets
Derivative height smooth word LFE word
Let a,b(n) be the number of smooth words of length n over the alphabet {a, b} with a < b. Say that a smooth word w is left fully extendable (LFE) if both aw and bw are smooth.
Resource Letter: Quantum Chromodynamics
Quantum Chromodynamics relativistic quantum field theory
This Resource Letter provides a guide to the literature on Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), the relativistic quantum field theory of the strong interactions. Journal articles, books, and other documents ...
Letter to the Editor:1H, 13C and 15N resonance assignments and secondary strucutre of ADR6 DNA-binding Domain
Xiaoming Tu,Jihui Wu,Yingqi Xu and Yunyu Shi
J. of Biomo...
LETTER——The Answer Must be Red Crabs, of Course
Oceanography seasonal and the eastern Pacific satellite SST images ocean creatures
In the March issue of Oceanography, Peter Etnoyer et al. (2004) discuss the location and seasonality of frontal systems in the eastern Pacific that they identify by analysis of slope functions in sate...