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Convergent Quantum Normal Forms, ${\mathcal P}{\mathcal T}$-symmetry and reality of the spectrum
Convergent Quantum Normal Forms reality of the spectrum Mathematical Physics
A class of non-selfadjoint, $\PT$-symmetric operators is identified similar to a self-adjoint one, thus entailing the reality of the spectrum. The similarity transformation is explicitly constructed t...
For a general complex scattering potential defined on a real line, we show that the equations governing invisibility of the potential are invariant under the combined action of parity and time-reversa...
PT symmetry and spontaneous symmetry breaking in a microwave billiard
PT symmetry spontaneous symmetry microwave billiard Quantum Physics
Abstract: We demonstrate the presence of parity-time (PT) symmetry for the non-Hermitian two-state Hamiltonian of a dissipative microwave billiard in the vicinity of an exceptional point (EP). The sha...
Spin-Singlet Quantum Hall States and Jack Polynomials with a Prescribed Symmetry
Spin-Singlet Quantum Hall States Jack Polynomials Prescribed Symmetry
Abstract: We show that a large class of bosonic spin-singlet Fractional Quantum Hall model wave-functions and their quasi-hole excitations can be written in terms of Jack polynomials with a prescribed...
Calabi-Yau Manifolds, Hermitian Yang-Mills Instantons and Mirror Symmetry
Calabi-Yau manifold Hermitian Yang-Mills instanton Mirror symmetry
Abstract: We formulate six-dimensional Euclidean gravity as SU(4)=SO(6) Yang-Mills gauge theory. For that purpose we devise a six-dimensional version of the 't Hooft symbols which realizes the isomorp...
Crossovers between superconducting symmetry classes
Crossovers superconducting symmetry classes random matrix theory supersymmetric sigma-model
Abstract: We study the average density of states in a small metallic grain coupled to two superconductors with the phase difference $\pi$, in a magnetic field. The spectrum of the low-energy excitatio...
Time-Reversal Symmetry in Non-Hermitian Systems
Time-Reversal Symmetry Non-Hermitian Systems Statistical Mechanics
Time-Reversal Symmetry in Non-Hermitian Systems.
Applications of Classical Scaling Symmetry
Classical Scaling Symmetry Solar and Stellar Astrophysics Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems
Abstract: Any symmetry reduces a second-order differential equation to a first-order equation: variational symmetries of the action (exemplified by central field dynamics) lead to conservation laws, b...
The Role of Symmetry and Separation in Surface Evolution and Curve Shortening
Symmetry Separation Surface Evolution Curve Shortening Analysis of PDEs
Abstract: With few exceptions, known explicit solutions of the curve shortening flow (CSE) of a plane curve, can be constructed by classical Lie point symmetry reductions or by functional separation o...
Breaking of de Sitter Symmetry
de Sitter Symmetry
We show that an interacting spin-0 field on a de Sitter space backgroundwill break the underlying de Sitter symmetry. This is done first for a (1+1) de Sitter space where a boson-fermion correspondenc...
Extending PT symmetry from Heisenberg algebra to E2 algebra
Extending PT symmetry Heisenberg algebra E2 algebra
The E2 algebra has three elements, J, u, and v, which satisfy the commutation relations [u; J] = iv, [v; J] = iu, [u; v] = 0. We can construct the Hamiltonian H = J2 +gu, where g is a real p...
Quantum mechanical virial theorem in systems with translational and rotational symmetry
Quantum mechanical virial theorem symmetry
Generalized virial theorem for quantum mechanical nonrelativistic and relativistic systems with translational and rotational symmetry is derived in the form of the commutator between the generator of ...
Generalized Nonanalytic Expansions,PT-Symmetry and Large-Order Formulas for Odd Anharmonic Oscillators
PT -symmetry asymptotics higher-order corrections instantons
The concept of a generalized nonanalytic expansion which involves nonanalytic combinations of exponentials, logarithms and powers of a coupling is introduced and its use illustrated in various areas o...
General Symmetry Approach to
Solve Variable-Coefficient Nonlinear Equations
symmetry approach variable coefficient equation
General Symmetry Approach to
Solve Variable-Coefficient Nonlinear Equations
RUAN Hang-Yu,1,2 CHEN Yi-Xin2 and LOU Sen-Yue1
1 Institute of Mo...
High-Dimensional Integrable Models with Infinitely Dimensional Virasoro-Type Symmetry Algebra
symmetry algebra high-dimensional model invariant equation
High-Dimensional Integrable Models with Infinitely Dimensional Virasoro-Type Symmetry Algebra
LIN Ji,1,2,3 LOU Sen-Yue2 and WANG Ke-Lin1
1 Cen...