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美国图书馆协会 Google 图书搜索
美国图书馆协会、大学及研究图书馆协会、研究图书馆协会给美国司法部反托拉斯局副助理总检察长William Cavanaugh写信要求,该局向主持Google图书搜索和解协议的法庭建议,密切监督和解方案的执行,尤其是机构订购价格的确定和图书权利登记委员会成员的选择。该信是在图书馆界与反托拉斯局的一次会议之后随后发出的,同时也建议该局密切监督各方遵守和解协议的约定。
Google和美国密西根大学图书馆修订版协议第二部分解疑(A Guide for the Perplexed Part II: The Amended Google-Michigan Agreement)
Google 美国密西根大学图书馆 修订版协议
On May 20, 2009, Google and the University of Michigan (Michigan) entered into an amendment that expanded the 2004 agreement that allowed Google to scan books in the Michigan library for inclusion in ...
纽约法学院 Google图书搜索和解协议 网站
The New York Law School is launching a web site dedicated to the Google Book Search settlement that will include discussion forums, a comprehensive archive of settlement documents and related commenta...
In anticipation of the May 5 deadline for documents to be filed with the Southern District of New York U.S. District Court, a number of formal reactions to the Google Book Search settlement from inter...
Google图书扫描计划又增新伙伴 索尼读书器获50万册公版书
Google图书扫描计划 索尼读书器 公版书
Google and Sony this week announced a deal that would make some public domain titles scanned by Google available on the Sony Reader. Financial details were not disclosed, however major media outlets f...
Is the public's interest in books at risk with the pending Google Book Search Settlement? That was one of many issues addressed at an all-day conference on the settlement, held on March 13 at Columbia...
图书馆杂志 专访 Google图书搜索 图书馆
What might Google's massive book scanning efforts mean for your library? This week LJ editors were invited to Google's New York office to discuss the company's project—both its publisher partner progr...
Google建图书结算站点 每本扫描图书作者获60美元
Google 图书结算站点
CNET中国2009年2月13日报道 去年10月,Google与美国作家协会签约1.25亿美元的结算方案,用于支付受版权保护作品的作者,但其作品需是经过Google扫描,并通过Google图书搜索可以在Web上搜到的作品。

Google 图书搜索 版权赔偿
2009年2月12日消息,来自国外媒体的报道,我们都知道Google的图书搜索服务,该服务Google 图书搜索可用来搜索并预览来自全球各地图书馆和出版商的千百万册图书。但是最近Google 图书搜索上的图书的作者和出版商要求Google支付巨额的版权赔偿,该诉讼要求Google支付大约1.25亿美元的版权赔偿,并且要求Google在被扫描上传的图书材料中明确标示版权声明。

Jeff Jarvis, founding editor of Entertainment Weekly and journalism professor at the City University of New York Graduate School of Journalism, is probably best known as a new media pundit, via his Bu...
Google 搜索 影响环境
Beginning in January 2009, the Duke Libraries will use Google Analytics to gather statistics on portions of its website. The Libraries will use the information gathered to improve web services for it...
加index of用Google搜特定格式文件
index of Google 特定格式文件
Google和解协议 论战 合作 存取
The Google settlement continues to spark debate. The latest responses come in a sneak preview of LJ's January issue, where HathiTrust's John Wilkin and scholarly communications consultant Richard K. J...
Google Earth发布古罗马3D图层
Google Earth 古罗马 3D图层
Recreating historical sites can be done in many ways - structures or parts of cities have been constructed in programs such as Second Life and many other 3d programs. Now, Google Earth has released a...