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中国科学院西北高原生物研究所《高寒草地生态恢复技术与管理模式》《Grassland Degradation, Restoration and Sustainable Management of Global Alpine Area》出版(图)
生态系统 管理 气候

喜报:辽宁工程技术大学工商管理学院李永立教授在ABS三星期刊《IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management》上发表高水平学术论文(图)
辽宁工程技术 工商管理学院 李永立 期刊 学术论文
近日,辽宁工程技术大学工商管理学院李永立教授以通讯作者身份围绕金融科技领域撰写的学术论文《Evaluating the Impact of Complaints on Firms’ Idiosyncratic Risk: The Roles of Valance and Channel》(DOI:10.1109/TEM.2024.3485088)在ABS三星期刊《IEEE Transactions...

东北财经大学刘子龙教授与唐加福教授合作的论文被管理学UTD24国际顶级期刊Journal of Operations Management在线发表(图)
东北财经大学 刘子龙 唐加福 管理学 外卖平台
近日,东北财经大学管理科学与工程学院刘子龙教授、唐加福教授、博士生李晓涵与伊迪斯科文大学王学群教授、德州大学阿灵顿分校张洁教授合作撰写的学术论文“Real-Time Demands, Restaurant Density, and Delivery Reliability: An Empirical Analysis of On-demand Meal Delivery”在线发表于管理学领域顶级期...

近日,福州大学经济与管理学院黄荣义副教授作为第一作者与得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校来国明教授、中国人民大学王晓芳教授以及纽约大学肖文强教授合作的论文“Platform Financing vs. Trade Credit for Lending to Third-Party Sellers”在国际运筹学与管理科学领域顶级期刊《Management Science》在线发表,实现了福州大学在该期刊发表论文...

南开大学旅游与服务学院张坤副教授指导硕士生完成的研究成果在《Tourism Management》上发表(图)
南开大学旅游与服务学院 张坤 《Tourism Management》 旅游阶段
近日,由南开大学旅游与服务学院张坤副教授团队完成的研究成果“Exploring the impact of location-based augmented reality on tourists'spatial behavior,experience,and intention through a field experiment”被旅游管理学科国际三大顶尖期刊之一的《Tourism Manag...

南开大学旅游与服务学院博士生何凌阳等人的研究成果在《Tourism Management》发表(图)
南开大学旅游与服务学院 何凌阳 《Tourism Management》 旅游企业
近日,由南开大学旅游与服务学院博士研究生何凌阳、博士生导师李辉教授、博士研究生陈希卓与合作者共同完成的研究成果《Can tax incentives foresee the restructuring performance of tourism firms?-An event-driven forecasting study》被旅游管理学科国际三大顶尖期刊之一的《Tourism Manageme...
Hydrological simulation of a small forested catchment under different land use and forest management
Hydrological Modeling Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) Atlantic Rainforest Eucalyptus
The alteration of landscapes by humans has led to a gradual increase in the scarcity of water and degradation of its quality ([24]). Over the last decades, there has been a growing consensus that the ...
The Effect of Alternative Forest Management Models on the Forest Harvest and Emissions as Compared to the Forest Reference Level
forest management models carbon sink forest harvest forest reference level production forests multifunctional forests set-aside forests
Background and Objectives: Under the Paris Agreement, the European Union (EU) sets rules for accounting the greenhouse gas emissions and removals from forest land (FL). According to these rules, the a...
Soil water deficit as a tool to measure water stress and inform silvicultural management in the Cape Forest Regions, South Africa
Soil Water Availability Climatic Gradient Slash Pine Monterey Pine Edaphic Properties
An understanding of variations in water availability to plantation forests on a spatial and temporal scale is essential when designing risk averse and site-specific silvicultural management regimes. V...
Family Forest Owners’ Perception of Management and Thinning Operations in Young Dense Forests: A Survey from Sweden
harvesting biomass bioenergy attitudes small-scale forestry
A Mediterranean holm oak forest was subjected to experimental partial rainfall exclusion during 21 consecutive years to study the effects of the expected decrease in water availability for Mediterrane...

南开大学旅游与服务学院博士生韩添羽等人的研究成果在《Tourism Management》发表(图)
南开大学旅游与服务学院 韩添羽 《Tourism Management》 P2P住宿
近日,南开大学旅游与服务学院博士研究生韩添羽作为第一作者,毕建武副教授为通讯作者,与硕士研究生位子涵以及姚延波教授共同完成的研究成果《Visual cues and consumer's booking intention in P2P accommodation:Exploring the role of social and emotional signals from hosts'profi...
The Influence of Forest Management and Changed Hydrology on Soil Biochemical Properties in a Central-European Floodplain Forest
ground-water soil carbon microbial activity microbial biomass sulfates manganese iron C:N salinization climate change
Anthropogenic modifications to water regimes are one of the main factors threatening the stability and existence of floodplain forests. This study presents an analysis of topsoil biogeochemistry withi...

近日,由南开大学旅游与服务学院陈晔教授与博士研究生王璐琪共同完成的研究成果“Two birds with one stone:Goal conflict handling and its effect on well-being”被旅游管理学科顶级期刊《Tourism Management》接收并发表。