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Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma in a dog confirmed using myogenin immunohistochemistry:a case report
alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma desmin myogenin skeletal muscle vimentin
A large mass from the right forelimb of a five-year-old, male, Maltese dog, was resected surgically and examined histopathologically. Grossly, the 4 × 6 cm mass was well-demarcated and firm. Microscop...
Mesh repair of a large ventral hernia with interposition of omentum in a calf:a case report
bovine soft tissue surgery herniorraphy adhesion polypropylene
A one-month-old, Piedmontese female calf was admitted to the Department of Veterinary Sciences, University of Turin, for repair of a large ventral hernia. A large ventral hernia, approximately 20 cm l...
Cutaneous leiomyosarcoma with osteoid metaplasia in a budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus):a case report
desmin CD68 smooth muscle actin spindle-shaped cells S100
Cutaneous leiomyosarcoma with osteoid metaplasia was diagnosed at the base of the right wing in a five-year-old female budgerigar. Grossly, the tumour mass was well circumscribed and solitary, and had...
Successful response to imatinib in two dogs with inoperable grade III infiltrating mast cell tumours:a case report
canine KIT oncogene target therapy tyrosine kinase inhibitor
Two dogs were presented owing to sudden rapid growth of cutaneous masses greater than 10 cm on the neck and axillary region, respectively. Based on history and results of physical examinations, blood ...
Pneumatosis coli in a dog–a serial radiographic study:a case report
colon computed tomography dog emphysema
A 12-year-old intact female poodle was presented with a history of an acute episode of tenesmus and passage of ribbon-shaped stools. Anaemia, leucocytosis, hypoalbuminaemia, hyperglycaemia, and elevat...
Pectus excavatum in a cat:a case report
cat pectus excavatum external splint surgical correction
This case report aims to clinically and radiologically describe a case of feline pectus excavatum and to evaluate the treatment results. An 8-month-old female cat weighing 3.2 kg was presented to the ...
Repair of flail chest using interfragmentary wiring and stability augmentation with basket-weave fashion sutures in a toy breed dog:a case report
rib fracture chest wall scaffolding bite wound
We report here the clinical presentation and successful surgical management of flail chest caused by bite wounds in a toy breed dog. Surgery was decided on, based on physical, radiographic and compute...
A challenging radiographic diagnosis–extraluminal leiomyoma of the oesophagus in a small-sized dog:a case report
dog oesophagus leiomyoma oesophagram mediastinal mass
An 11-year-old, intact male Maltese dog presented with a history of vomiting and regurgitation. On plain radiographs, a caudodorsal thoracic mass was identified, and there were no radiographic signs f...
A rare radiographic appearance of a calcified uterus in a queen with pyometra:a case report
queen pyometra radiology uterus calcification
This report describes the clinical presentation, diagnosis and treatment of a queen with open pyometra. Lethargy, anorexia and previous treatment failure were the main reasons resulting in referral fo...
Possible vertical transmission of Babesia canis canis from a bitch to her puppies:a case report
Babesia canis canis dogs vertical transmission
The present study reports the possible vertical transmission of Babesia canis canis from an infected bitch to her puppies. The study concerns a bitch that had developed babesiosis in week seven of pre...
Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma in a dog confirmed using myogenin immunohistochemistry:a case report
alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma desmin myogenin skeletal muscle vimentin
A large mass from the right forelimb of a five-year-old, male, Maltese dog, was resected surgically and examined histopathologically. Grossly, the 4 × 6 cm mass was well-demarcated and firm. Microscop...
An abdominal cavity abscess associated with Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium phage type DT2 in a dog:a case report
abdominal abscess dog Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium variant DT2 minimum inhibitory concentration resistance profile
Most Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium strains are capable of infecting multiple hosts. In this report, an abdominal cavity abscess associated with the Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium ph...
Penile hypoplasia and rudimentary prepuce in a dog (78,XY;SRY-positive):a case report
dog disorder of sex development penile hypoplasia rudimentary prepuce SRY ZFX/ZFY
This is the first report in the literature concerning penile hypoplasia and rudimentary prepuce in a 78,XY; SRY-positive male that received a successful surgical treatment. A six-month-old male mixed-...
Septic shock associated with complex infection by crop Candida and bacteria in two blue-fronted amazon parrots: a case report
blue-fronted amazon parrot sepsis candidiasis bacterial infection histopathology diagnosis
Infectious disease is frequently associated with morbidity and mortality in companion birds. The clinical features of these bacterial and fungal diseases may be influenced by stress factors and the co...
Cervical ectopia cordis in a calf:a case report
ectopic heart bovine congenital malformation displacement of heart
A female Holstein Friesian calf with inferior cervical ectopia cordis was followed from the 16th day of age until euthanasia at the age of three months. The heart was located in the lower cervical reg...