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The lunar magma ocean volatile signature recorded in chlorine-rich glasses in KREEP basalts 15382 and 15386
chlorine fluorine Moon water glass
The last liquids of the lunar magma ocean, known as urKREEP, should be highly enriched in volatiles, such as water,
fluorine, and chlorine. We find chlorine-rich glasses in two pristine KREEP basalts...
潮流分布 三门湾 逆方法
2009年9月6日至9日在三门湾进行了沿海声层析(Coastal Acoustic Tomography,CAT)潮流观测实验.实验由7台沿海声层析仪组网进行,并分别由渔船定点抛锚于7个站位.实验期间,还进行了定点ADCP(Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler)观测.通过建立逆模式对声传播时间差进行解析,引入权重因子,用L-curve法确定阻尼因子的最佳值,继而根据阻...
A comparison of Landsat 8 (OLI) and Landsat 7 (ETM+) in mapping geology and visualising lineaments: A case study of central region Kenya
Band rationing False colour Combinations (FCC) Principal Component Analysis
Availability of multispectral remote sensing data cheaply and its higher spectral resolution compared to remote sensing data with higher spatial resolution has proved valuable for geological mapping...
Some improvements in subbasalt imaging using pre-stack depth migration
improvements subbasalt imaging pre-stack depth migration
Subbasalt imaging can be improved by carefully
applying pre-stack depth migration. Pre-stack depth migration requires a detailed velocity model and an accurate traveltime calculation.
The model of self-generated seismo-electromagnetic oscillations of the LAI system
self-generated seismo-electromagnetic oscillations LAI system
Very low frequency (VLF) electromagnetic radiation (in diapason 1 kHz–1 MHz) in the atmosphere, generated during an earthquake preparation period, may be connected with the linear size characterising ...
Two homologous series of alkylpyridines in the Murchison meteorite
Murchison meteorite alkylpyridines aldehyde ammonia Chichibabin synthesis
Two homologous series of alkylpyridines (CnH2n–5N and CnH2n–7N) were identified in the methanol extract of the
Murchison meteorite by liquid chromatography/high-resolution mass spectrometry. The wide...
Dissolved organic carbon and its carbon isotope compositions in hill slope soils of the karst area of southwest China: Implications for carbon dynamics in limestone soil
karst slope land soil organic carbon dissolved organic carbon δ13C
Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) can be considered fine indicators of soil quality that influence soil function in specific
ways and are very sensitive to changes in soil management practices. In this ...
Lipids in a sulfur-rich lacustrine sediment from the Nördlinger Ries (southern Germany) with a focus on free and bound sterols
Nö rdlinger Ries lacustrine environment core sediments 4-methyl sterols steroidal ketones dinoflagellates
The distribution of free sterols in a sulfur-rich lacustrine sediment of Miocene age deposited in the ancient crater lake
of the Nördlinger Ries (southern Germany) was investigated and compared ...
Th-normalized fluxes of biogenic components from the central and southernmost Chilean margin over the past 22,000 years
biological pump paleoproductivity thorium 230 (230Th) southern westerlies Chile
We report on 230Th-normalized fluxes of biogenic components—total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN),
calcium carbonate (CaCO3), and biogenic opal (SiOPAL)—from two sediment cores collected at...
GPS, OBP和GRACE估计地球动力学扁率变化及其地球物理激发
地球动力学扁率 GPs GRACE 地球物理激发
行星地球是一个旋转的扁椭球体, 其动力学扁率(即J2)变化主要由地球系统物质流动和各圈层相互作用引起. 目前国际上地球动力学扁率测定主要用卫星激光测距(SLR)资料得到, 然而SLR地面观测台站少, 南北半球分布不均, 且不是连续观测, 以及受动力学模型和常数等影响. 尽管新一代重力卫星(GRACE)观测大大提高了地球重力场球谐系数低阶项一两个数量级, 但对二阶项C20不敏感. 本文利用全球连续G...
Mixing effects in zircon U–Pb ion microprobe dating: An example from a quartzofeldspathic dyke in the Yeongdeok pluton, southeastern Korea
SHRIMP zircon dating mixing dyke
A swarm of quartzofeldspathic dykes extensively intruded the Permian–Triassic Yeongdeok pluton and xenoliths therein
in southeastern Korea. Zircons from the dyke intruding a diorite xenolith yield se...
Estimation of sulfur, fluorine, chlorine and bromine fluxes at Mid Ocean Ridges using a new experimental crushing and extraction method
degassing flux sulfur halogen helium Mid Ocean Ridge basalts
We measured helium-3 (3
He), sulfur (S), fluorine (F), chlorine (Cl) and bromine (Br) concentrations in vesicles of Mid
Ocean Ridge Basalts (MORBs) and Back-Arc Basin Basalts (BABBs). The aim of thi...
塔里木盆地库车坳陷克拉苏河沿岸发育良好的新生界地层.我们对克拉苏河沿岸新生界剖面分A、B两段进行系统采样,获得定向岩芯样品1700余块. 岩石磁学研究表明,新生代沉积岩中磁性矿物以赤铁矿为主,含有少量磁铁矿;磁组构测试结果显示,两段剖面磁面理均较磁线理发育,最小磁化率主轴近于直立,显示原生沉积组构. A剖面磁化率主轴к1的偏角指示古流向. 库姆格列木群沉积时的古水流方向为NEE-SWW向,至苏维依...
对流层天顶延迟 全球对流层天顶延迟模型 EGNOS UNB3 UNB3m IGGtrop
对流层延迟是高精度GNSS导航定位的重要误差源. 利用IGS站提供的高精度对流层天顶延迟时间序列和NCEP大气资料进一步研究了全球及中国区域对流层天顶延迟的时空变化特征. 在此基础上, 根据NCEP资料建立了无需地面实测气象参数且同时顾及经、纬度差异的全球对流层天顶延迟IGGtrop模型. IGGtrop模型在全球125个IGS站的平均误差(bias)和平均中误差(RMS)分别为-0.8和4.0 ...