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近日,北京林业大学林学院城市林业团队在期刊《Science of the Total Environment》(中国科学院一区,影响因子:9.8)上发表论文《生态转型是资源枯竭型城市生态系统健康改善的关键——基于未来发展情景的中国案例研究》,发现生态转型对于提升资源枯竭型城市的生态系统健康具有重要意义。论文第一作者为林学院22级硕士生江思敏,冯飞讲师和张新娜副教授为共同通讯作者。
Species, Climatypes, Climate Change, and Forest Health: A Conversion of Science to Practice for Inland Northwest (USA) Forests
climate-change impacts ecosystem responses to climate species distributions climatype distributions adaptive management
Research Highlights: This paper integrates disparate research results pertaining to climate change impacts to 12 co-occurring forest tree species and their climatypes such that management options for ...
近期,山东大学伊朗籍教师、电气工程学院副教授Mostafa Kheshti在Science杂志上发表Letter《保护伊朗扎格罗斯森林免受野火危害》(影响因子41.845)。Mostafa Kheshti副教授为文章唯一作者和通讯作者,山东大学为论文第一单位。扎格罗斯橡树林在伊朗的生态系统和畜牧中扮演着重要角色。这片古老的森林占地600万公顷,占全国森林面积的40%,有的树木已有400多年树龄,是...
2020年3月17日,我校生命科学学院黄松科研团队与黄山学院生命与环境科学学院、中国环境科学研究院环境基准和风险评估国家重点实验室、上海自然博物馆合作,在Science期刊在线发表e-letter文章:Saving the Giant Salamander: Hope and action(拯救大鲵:希望和行动)。文章总结了作者过去二十多年的科研成果,提出了拯救中国大鲵的具体方案。文章第一作者是生...
中国科学院昆明动物研究所 车静 SCIENCE 中国 大鲵保护 调整策略 养殖产业管理
2020年2月28日,中国科学院昆明动物研究所车静课题组在国际知名期刊Science上,以Letter的形式在线发表了题为Giant salamanders: Farmed yet endangered的文章。该文指出,在商业化经济养殖的影响下,中国大鲵陷入了保护悖论——野外稀少、各类商业养殖场却大量囤积。文章同时指出,现行的国家保护措施亟需调整优化,如何规范及监管当前庞大的大鲵养殖市场将是管理部...
扬州大学园艺与植物保护学院罗云建副教授在《Earth System Science Data》发表综述论文
扬州大学园艺与植物保护学院 罗云建 副教授 Earth System Science Data 林木生物量模型
近日,园艺与植物保护学院罗云建副教授在《Earth System Science Data》发表题为《A review of biomass equations for China's tree species》的综述论文。论文全面系统地总结了我国1978年至2013年林木生物量模型的研究成果,首次构建了我国林木生物量模型标准库,对于区域森林碳收支核算及林学基础研究具有重要科学价值。
近日,我校土地科学与技术学院2018级土地资源管理专业博士生张平在环境和生态领域国际顶级期刊《Environmental Science & Technology》(5年IF=7.25)在线发表题为“Satellite-Based Detection and Characterization of Industrial Heat Sources in China”的研究论文,孙丹峰教授为该论文的通...
Associate Professor Christopher Gaston,Department of Wood Science of University of British Columbia(图)
Associate Professor Christopher Gaston Department of Wood Science of University of British Columbia aboriginal forestry business management
Dr. Christopher Gaston,Associate Professor,Research Interests: aboriginal forestry, business management, communities and livelihoods, economics, forest policy, international trade, modelling, sustaina...
Best of two worlds: Traditional ecological knowledge and Western science in ecosystem-based management
Clayoquot Sound coastal temperate rainforest cultural literacy ecosystem-based management epistemology First Nations knowledge systems traditional ecological knowledge systems Western science
Ecosystem-based management (EBM) is a rising paradigm in resource management. Social scientists agree that EBM necessitates a natural sciences foundation yet its human dimensions are less understood; ...
A Beginning of LTER in Japan:Approach from Forest Science。
Responding to challenging times with science-based solutions
challenging times science-based solutions
Two years ago, in consultation with over 380 people throughout British Columbia, FORREX identified that
new policy and regulatory frameworks were needed to accommodate, if not facilitate, an innovati...
Science and innovation critical in shaping British Columbia’s future forest legacy
Science and innovation critical British Columbia’s future forest legacy
I am feeling somewhat reflective. Just over a week ago, I announced that I am moving on in my career
after 10 years as British Columbia’s Chief Forester. A new set of challenges awaits me, but I appr...
Variable Retention Forestry Science Forum April 21-22, 2004
forestry science forum variable retention
As a result of criticism of past forest management in coastal British Columbia, there was a shift away from
the traditional clearcutting system to the retention system. In April 2004, FORREX, in part...