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“2018年亚洲鱼类学会学术年会”通知(The Annual Conference of the Asian Society of Ichthyologists 2018)
2018年 亚洲 鱼类学会 学术年会 通知
2018年美国中文教师学会年会(The 2018 Annual Conference of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, USA)
2018年 美国 中文教师 学会年会
he Chinese Language Teachers Association, USA (CLTA) is now calling for proposals for its 2018 annual conference to be held at Hilton Hotel at the Washington Dulles Airport on April 6-8, 2018. The obj...
国际女权经济学协会2018年年会(International Association for Feminist Economics 2018 Annual Conference)
国际女权经济学协会 2018年 年会
Feminist Debates on Migration, Inequalities & Resistance as the 2018 conference theme celebrates the domestic and international diversity of feminisms and feminist economic thought, supporting resista...
环太平洋房地产协会第24届年会(Pacific Rim Real Estate Society (PRRES) 24th Annual Conference)
环太平洋 房地产协会 第24届 年会
The 24th Pacific Rim Real Estate Society (PRRES) Conference is being hosted by University of Auckland Business School in 2018. House prices and million-dollar property deals are now everyday discourse...
欧洲房地产协会第25届年会(25th annual Conference of the European Real Estate Society)。
2017年中国水产学会水产品加工与综合利用分会学术年会第二轮通知(2017 annual conference on aquatic products processing and comprehensive utilization of China Society of Fisheries)
2017年 中国水产学会水产品加工与综合利用分会 学术年会 第二轮
Welcome to the 2017 International Conference of Mechanical Design & the 19th Mechanical Design Annual Conference, which will be hold on Oct, 2017 in Beijing, China.
2017年第70届继电保护器工程师大会(2017 70th Annual Conference for Protective Relay Engineers)
2017年 第70届 继电保护器 工程师 大会
For 70 years the Annual Conference for Protective Relay Engineers has provided the best available information on protective relay applications and technology. With the changes that have occurred in th...
The Fifth Annual Conference on Large Hadron Collider Physics
The Fifth Annual Conference Large Hadron Collider Physics
The fifth annual Large Hadron Collider Physics (LHCP2017) conference will be held in Shanghai, China and hosted by Shanghai Jiao Tong University on May 15-20, 2017.The LHCP conference series started i...
国际互联网研究者协会第18届年度会议(18th annual conference of the Association of Internet Researchers)
国际 互联网 研究者协会 第18届 年度会议
The Association is pleased to announce the Tartu ülikool (University of Tartu), Tartu, Estonia as the site of AoIR 2017 – Oct 18-21, 2017.“e-Estonia” is a term commonly used to describe Estonia’s emer...
第四十三届IEEE工业电子学会学术年会(43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society)
第四十三届 IEEE 工业电子学会 学术年会
IECON 2017 is the 43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES) focusing on industrial and manufacturing theory and applications of electronics, controls, communications, ins...
在运筹学、信息科学与技术、管理科学与工程、控制科学与工程、系统科学与工程、工业工程、金融工程、人工智能等众多领域都存在着人为的或客观的不确定性,表现形式也多种多样。为了推动不确定系统的理论研究与实际应用、交流总结近年来我国不确定系统研究的最新成果,由中国运筹学会不确定系统分会主办、福州大学承办的第十五届中国不确定系统年会将于 2017 年 7 月 26-30 日在福州召开。会议的协办单位有:福州大...
亚洲不动产学会2017年年会第一次征文通知(2017 Asian Real Estate Society (AsRES) Annual Conference)
亚洲不动产学会 2017年 第一次 征文通知
Attached please find the First Call for Papers of the 2017 Asian Real Estate Society (AsRES) Annual Conference to be held in Taichung, Taiwan, on July 7-9, 2017, together with the Global Chinese Real ...
38th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME-NA 2016)
mathematics education cultura
The theme of the conference is Sin Fronteras: Questioning Borders with(in) Mathematics Education. This theme is intended to encourage research presentations, discussion, and reflection on the variety ...